Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Groovy People, Doing..OK, You Get the Idea

Jason Hunt
(No, I thought it were Bryan Ferry too)
Well, following on from yesterday's post from  the front line of guitardom, I introduce a few more faces.

Top of the shop today is Jason Hunt who in fact organised THE Guitar Show last weekend, and  gave some great support to all the chaps up there on the Gimme Shelter Tour front of things.

It was Jason that got our Tour Manager, Alnico in to hang with the stars, and generally made the whole weekend happen (which you have to say is pretty impressive).

I believe there are other shows coming soon, so it may be worth keeping an eye on the appropriate web site, somewhere near here:

Top Geezer Indeedy.

Mark from Guitars4U
No, I don't know if he does that funny
finger twiddling thing like Ted Rogers
Next we have another keeper of the retail flame,
Mark from Guitars4U.

Now, if you haven't checked out his wares, you are seriously missing out on something special, as Mark genuinely has a collector's appreciation of the 'good stuff' and stocks his shop with the best of it.

Based in Ashbourne in Derbyshire (criminally far away from Jookyland) he has a shop, but the rest of us can luxuriate in his web site, for some really special stuff (and dare I say realistic prices? I think so, yep.) Great chap every which way.

You can find him at:
Mick Taylor
Ecstatic, Somewhere In Birmingham
And finally today with quite simply the happiest chap in the world, Mick Taylor from the rather brilliant GAS-fest that is That Pedal Show.

And we have to say, Fridays have never been the same since we discovered That Pedal Show, it is seriously cool and if by any nano-chance you've managed to escape from a crypt after thirty years of burrowing and just reached a PC and so missed it, you really owe it to yourself and frankly everybody else as they are getting embarrassed in your presence, to visit the channel HERE.

We'll say no more, about it.

Until Friday anyway.

So there we are, thanks to all the chaps for joining in, and if you would like to be a link in our very special chain (baby), there is still time - just pop over to The Fretboard and sign-up HERE.

You know it make essence

La la laaaa

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