Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Big Thanks to Hiscox Cases

Well, tonight The Gimme Shelter One (henceforth TGSO as I really can't be arsed with typing that in full ever day for the next n months) will be coming back to Weston S&M, before continuing it's journey tomorrow in a shiny new Hiscox case.

And I have to say a big thank you to everybody at Hiscox who (despite my best intentions) managed to evade those and get us a wonderfully cool hardcase that will protect TGSO over the next few months - and years, let's face it. They are brilliant.

Fotos of that to follow (along with some of the guitar featuring the Scratch-iT scratchplate as some fool forgot to take any with it nailed on, ahem).

So we're off, it is feeling good if a little Whoo-whhoooo at the moment, but as long as it gets to Brum at the weekend we'll be fine.

La la laaa

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