Friday, 26 February 2016

Welcome to Bedford - A Chance To Join The Tour

Well, I'm chuffed to see our tour organiser, the super cool Mr Alnico, has introduced TGSO to it's temporary siblings, given it a warm bed for the night before it moves on to sunny Brum tomorrow and The Guitar Show at New Bingley Hall.

And that is how we are seeing the tour, one part pass-the-parcel to four parts fostering, with each step along the way including time to settle in to new surroundings, a new home, with some comfort and joy.

And that is a plea really. The nice thing about The Gimme Shelter Tour is that there are no rules and there is no fixed time-scale, we can literally keep it going just as long as we have people wanting to join in - so feel free to jump aboard.

And that is quite serious - if you want to join in, Foster our new arrival for a little while, maybe play it at a gig or let your kids take it to school and be in the local paper, here is your chance.

All you need to do is pop over to the Fretboard HERE and register your interest.

All help gratefully received :O)

La la laaa

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